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Reach out to thousands of boilerplate fans, indiehackers, developers, and creators who visit and explore MintedDirectory every month. By advertising your service or product here, you’ll be able to connect directly with this engaged audience. 🚀

Paid listings to secure a spot in our directory by paying a fee. These listings gain more exposure than free listings, ensuring that businesses are prominently displayed to potential customers. By upgrading to a paid listing, you increase the chances of being noticed in a competitive space.

Even in free directories, we offer featured or boosted listings. Businesses can pay for a premium position at the top of the directory, ensuring maximum visibility. Featured listings are highlighted to stand out, making it easier for potential customers to find and engage with businesses.

Here’s an example of how featured listings will look to Minted Directory visitors:

Featured ✨

My Awesome Product

This product is a great way to do things.


Sponsors can place their brand on the homepage gaining exposure to our growing audience. This is an excellent option for businesses looking to build brand awareness and connect with our community.

SponsorMike's RoofingGet a free price estimation for your roof. 🏠


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